My lovely sister, Peng already told me your case. Remember always, We're family... no matter what happen, we will always care about you. Don't always keep things inside your heart, i can share with u anytime. Don't forget I am your lovely youngest sister ooo...
U told us after this had happen so long. We're really upset and worry about you. I hope I am in your side now. Luckily CZ knows how to take care his mummy. This make me feel relieved and happy. I hope sister you are always happy and healthy... Hope to see you soon. Miss you and love you always...
Hope CZ can explains this to you... "家往往是我们的避风港。即使它不管多小都好,它都是这么的温暖。家人就是天天忙碌不停的为生活而努力的人。他们总在我们面对问题时来扶我们一把。家人偶尔会有争吵,但是不会有隔夜愁的。希望当我们面对问题时,我们会想起家。"
What is love??? This question appeared in my mind several times today! Can love be perfect? Y i couldn't feel the happiness of love and the perfect love? Y other couple can be so happy and looks so sweet when they're together? Y i can't make it? Is it my problem?? What i wish to have just a simple thing. I just want the person who i love to cares about me only. Its really hard to achieve. Should i give up or should i continue to be like that?? Just a small thing we also can made each other angry about for the whole day. I don't really understand y it could happen? It happens not just few times,but often. I'm feeling quite tired about the relationship between he and me. What i expected to be happen today does not success. Am i do anything wrong to the god? Y u want to treat me so?? Is there anyone can give me a perfect and complete answer about what is love? For me, love is just a feeling which included happiness and unhappiness. Love is blind. When you are not in love,it won't hurts you. But when you are in love,it hurts u a lot... It's really painful...