Reggie-You’re helping me a lot… Thanks for your support…I am just an outsider for u, but u still willing to help me&teach me when I faced problems. I am really touching n I will appreciate it. I really treat u as my real bro as I do not have a bro… A billion of thanks to u…
PY-I miss u a lot… U’re always the closest to me… U can easily know what happen to me even I am acting to be okay. I used to express my unhappiness and happiness to u… but now hardly to chat v u… I really miss the moment when u’re in Penang. We’re in the same sch for more than 10 years. We helped each other for 10yrs. Our friendship became stronger n stronger as time passes. But now … It’s time to change… time for us to growth… to face the cruel & reality world… Remember always, whatever problems u face I will also try to help u…support u always…
不懂我到底犯了什么罪,这几天都这么倒霉。倒霉透了。都怪我自己啦!鬼叫我心软?鬼叫我随便相信别人?看他这么可怜,就把自己最后的一张10块钱也借了给他。哪里知道他却没打算还我。我不是在意那10块钱,而是讨厌明明答应人家的还做不到。你让我开始讨厌印度人,难怪人家会说印度人最会‘keh leng nah teh ’。你可怜?难道我不可怜吗?我自己也得省吃省喝啊。。。我把所有的钱都用在学校方面了。自己想有一点储蓄也做不到,真没用!